Energy Healing
Everything is energy, says quantum physics. Everything is connected via magnetic energy, which is created around every moving pulse, electric energy. All matter is held together via energetic bonds. Also, a thought is an electrical impulse. The movement of energy is vital to life. When we think, breathe, function or even when we are resting, electrical energy is flowing through our bodies via our neurons and nerve pathways.
Similar to our circulatory system, which can have negative impacts on our health if not running smoothly, our energetic field also has a flow. If that flow is blocked, our energy fields can lead to emotional, spiritual, and soul pain. Among many things, the suppression of emotions or thoughts is one example. This suppression causes an energetic lump in the flow of prana/breath/energy in their regular channels. Prolonged exposure to such irregular flow of energy causes psychosomatic disorders on the physical body.
Energy healing, or energy medicine, can be defined as any healing work designed to balance and restore our energetic channels. In turn, this practice clears the channels through which energy flows, releasing energy blocks and allowing its flow in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.